Michael W. Mathesie, DC has been utilizing therapeutic laser in his practice since 2005. He has successfully treated thousands of patients with this amazing therapeutic device, including conditions like Bell’s Palsy, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Plantar Fasciitis, Shoulder Tendonitis, Golfer’s Elbow, Tennis Elbow, and Neck and Low Back Pain as well as many other nerve, joint, and muscle conditions. As science has discovered more about this therapy, Dr. Mathesie has upgraded his devices to keep up with the research. For many years, he has been instructing physicians of all disciplines on the proper use of laser therapy for neuromusculoskeletal conditions.

He is considered an expert in this field and also gives certification classes to colleagues within his profession. Unfortunately, there are many clinics that have laser devices that truly do not do anything for the condition because the power, wavelength and time of treatment is not adequate or proper for the condition being treated. If laser treatment has not worked for you in the past, find out what type of laser that it was. Dr. Mathesie has a (Lumix 250) superpulsed 910 nm, 250 Watt peak power, 2 Watt average power Laser for the deep spinal facet joints and disc conditions.
He also has an Aspen Apex 45 Watt continuous wave laser consisting of 810nm, 980nm, and 1064nm which is great for muscles, nerves, tendons, meniscus, and other joint conditions. This therapy has helped patients with their chronic conditions when nothing else had worked for them. This therapy with the proper parameters can accelerate the healing process and healing time of injuries.
Most insurance policies will not cover the use of laser therapy because they classify it as investigational. However, there are over 3000 peer reviewed studies across the globe on the effectiveness of laser therapy when used properly with the right wavelength and adequate amount of joules of energy for the condition. Dr Mathesie gets many referrals just for this therapy from patients, even out of state because of the specific lasers that he has. This therapy is well-worth the out of pocket cost because the results are fantastic.